Calvary Episcopal School is committed to providing the highest quality of education possible for our students. The Calvary Episcopal School experience and success is only possible because of our exceptional faculty and your overwhelming support as a school community.
There are many ways you can support Calvary Episcopal School, both financially and by becoming an involved volunteer. Whether you give a gift of your time, talent, or treasure, we value your contribution to enriching our school community. Like most independent schools, Calvary’s operating expenses exceed the revenue from tuition and fees. As a non-profit, we depend on our parents, board members, alumni, and friends for voluntary support. As a qualified 501(c)3 organization, your contributions to Calvary Episcopal School are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
We are grateful for the commitment you make through volunteerism and financial contributions. Truly, your financial support is critical to CES success – both today and for our future growth.
Gifts of stock
Many donors choose to make their gifts in the form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other assets that have increased in value. A gift of appreciated securities (held for more than 12 months) may allow the donor to avoid the high cost of capital gains tax, while also receiving a tax deduction for the appreciated security. Making a stock gift is simple and the donor can indicate how the donation should be allocated. For more details, please email headofschool@calvaryschool.net.
Calvary Episcopal School appreciates all contributions given to support the school. In-kind contributions are just as important to the livelihood of the school community as other sources of giving. If you would like to contribute as an in-kind donor by giving goods such as foods, electronics, services, time and labor, and/or the use of equipment or facilities at no cost, please email headofschool@calvaryschool.net.
Memorial donation
If you have a loved one who is passionate about education, establishing a memorial or tribute gift is a meaningful way to celebrate and/or honor your loved one while supporting the work of our mission. Your honorary gift will be a lasting tribute to your loved one while making a difference in the lives of those we serve. Donations made to the Memorial fund go to support tuition assistance.