CAP Meeting
Calvary Christmas Program - PreK3 through 2nd grade
Calvary Christmas Program - 3rd through 8th grade
CAP Meeting
Fall Picture Day - Thurs. Oct. 24
Visit our CAP webpage to find the latest meeting minutes.
Be on the lookout for more details about our 19th Annual Fall Fest - Sunday, October 20th
Visit our CAP webpage to find the latest meeting minutes.
Scholastic Book Fair!
Monday Sept. 16-Friday Sept. 20
Parish Hall
Meet the Teacher!
Meet the Teacher - Friday, August 16th, 2:30-5:30 PM.
21st Virginia Wright Memorial Golf Tournament
Pre-Season Volleyball Camp
School Calendar '24 - '25
Click HERE to download ‘24-’25 school calendar.
Calvary Closet - OPEN
Monday July 22 - Thursday July 25
1-3 PM
Moms & Muffins - Wed. May 1, 7:45-8:30 AM
Teacher Appreciation Week: May 6th - 10th
McTeacher Night
Join us in supporting our school and a night of food, friends, family and fun!
Tuesday May 7 from 5:00-8:00 PM -
Pizza Hut - Dine to Donate
Calvary Swag for sale!
Save the Date for Saturday, April 13th, 5-11PM
At the The Cedar Bend
Newspaper Club
It is not too late to register!
Click HERE for more information and to get registered.
Panda Express - Dine to Donate to Calvary
January '24 School Board Recognition
Why we Love Calvary!
Dine to Donate - Southside Market